Viewing category: Blog

What Are Canonical Tags?

July 23, 2024

If you’ve ever ventured into the realms of search engine optimisation (SEO), you’ve probably encountered the term “canonical tags.” Canonical tags are pivotal in guiding search engines to the preferred version of web content, making them an indispensable tool for managing duplicate content and enhancing SEO efforts. We delve into the intricacies of canonical tags, their significance in digital marketing…

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Google Ads Broad Match Becomes Default for New Search Campaigns

July 16, 2024

When optimising Google Ads for search campaigns, choosing the right keyword match type is crucial for reaching the right audience. Recently, there has been a significant shift, with Google Ads broad match becoming the default option for new search campaigns. This change brings opportunities and challenges for digital marketers looking to maximise the impact of their advertising efforts. The Power…

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Generating Sales with Google Shopping Ads

July 9, 2024

eCommerce has become a game-changer in the retail industry. As the number of online shoppers continues to increase, businesses find new ways to reach their target audience. One such way is by using Google Shopping Ads. This advertising platform allows businesses to promote their products to a highly targeted audience of potential customers. We explore how companies can generate more…

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Is Your Organic Reach Declining?

July 2, 2024

With the increasing number of social media users and brands trying to make their presence felt, and the constantly changing algorithms, competing for organic reach has become more intense. While organic reach has been a crucial metric for brands to gauge their social media performance in the past, people wonder if it’s still a viable metric. We take you through…

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Performing a Facebook Ads Audit

June 25, 2024

Facebook Ads are one of the most effective ways to reach out to your target audience and promote your business. However, ensuring that your Facebook Ads are performing optimally to achieve your marketing goals is vital. This is where a Facebook Ads Audit comes into play. We discuss what a Facebook Ads Audit is, why it is essential, and how…

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Strategies for Top of Funnel Marketing

June 17, 2024

As the world becomes increasingly digital, companies need help to capture the attention of their target audience. That’s where top of funnel marketing comes in. This strategy is about creating awareness and interest in your brand among people who have never heard of you. We take a look at some effective techniques for top of funnel marketing that you can…

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Why do Search Ad Extensions Matter

June 10, 2024

Online advertising has become integral to business marketing strategies. Among the various tools available, Google AdWords stands out as a popular choice, enabling businesses to create and display ads to potential customers searching for products and services online. However, the key to a successful ad campaign lies in standing out from the competition. This is where search ad extensions play…

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Overcoming the End of Google’s Universal Analytics

June 3, 2024

Google’s announcement of the transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) signifies a pivotal shift that requires attention and action from Universal Analytics users. Let’s explore what this means for businesses and how to navigate this transition effectively. 1. The end of Google Analytics As many of you may know, Google Universal Analytics has long been a cornerstone for digital marketers…

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Top Questions to Ask Your Marketing Agency

May 27, 2024

Empower yourself to choose a marketing agency by asking the right questions. We’ve compiled a list of our top questions to ask your marketing agency, designed to help you make an informed decision and ensure they have the experience and expertise to help you shine. How do you use data analysis to inform decision-making in marketing campaigns? One of the…

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