Viewing category: Blog

4 Tips For Optimising Your Local Business Profiles

April 3, 2018

The proliferation of Australian local business directory sites is undeniable, and their role in local SEO is quite important. There are many local business portals that allow you to add a listing for your own or a client’s business. You are provided with a location based listing with a link back to your website. Score! But there is a problem.…

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Boost Your Conversion Rates: Tips for Conversion Rate Optimisation

March 23, 2018

Ideally, your website gives your business conversion so you can make a profit. However, this doesn’t always happen and you don’t understand why. Even if you spend hours creating an excellent website that does give you traffic, it may not lead to any conversions. Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this. Many website owners don’t understand conversion rate optimisation or…

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Defining Your AdWords Quality Score and How to Improve It

January 14, 2018

One of the keys to getting a high ranking in Google’s search pages is your AdWords quality score. But, if you’re not sure what this is, how can you improve it? If you’re unclear about Google AdWords, read on. Defining Your AdWords Quality Score To put it simply, your AdWords Quality Score is the rating or score that Google gives…

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Will AI Be Able to Unravel Google Algorithms in 2018?

December 9, 2017

It’s machine learning – the most widely used form of artificial intelligence in search right now – that has driven the brilliance of Google’s algorithms. AI, essentially, made the Google algorithms too dynamic to understand, throwing the SEO industry upside down a few years ago. No longer could SEO experts come up with formulaic solutions to ranking well in search…

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Optimising Your Website for Google’s Mobile-First Index

November 20, 2017

An upcoming Google update, the Mobile-First Index, means that Google will now look at your mobile website first and consider it’s ranking points or signals. It will use your desktop version as a secondary option if there is no mobile site to rank. If you’ve been slow to make your website mobile-friendly, here are four things you can to do to optimise…

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Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) Tips

October 14, 2017

You’ve done it, you have an awesome website with high daily traffic levels, but what are you still missing? If you’ve forgotten about your conversion rate, you’re missing out on something significant. Your conversion rate is how many people come to your site and perform a desired action, like buying something if you’re selling a product. You can optimise your conversion…

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Five Google Marketing Tools to Enhance Your Website

September 8, 2017

On average, Google processes well over 40,000 different searches per second, and this adds up to over 3.5 billion searches every single day.  However, Google has evolved into so much more than just a leading search engine. It now offers hundreds of tools to help you enhance your website, and you should take advantage of them. 1. Google My Business Formerly known…

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Using YouTube for Internet Marketing

August 8, 2017

YouTube has a very long reach, and several celebrities, artists, and comedians perfectly demonstrated YouTube’s marketing power by having their careers launched by using YouTube to establish their fan base. Small businesses and websites can quickly expand their reach by harnessing video marketing and the benefits that come with using YouTube as a platform. Expanding Your Presence A creative YouTube video that…

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