If you’ve used Google through the years, you’ve probably noticed a few changes now and then. A new logo, different layouts. And now, Google Knowledge Panels! What are they? What do they do? Why does your business need it, and how do you get one? Let’s take a look: What is a Google Knowledge Panel? What is a Knowledge Panel?…
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4 Ways Programmatic Can Help Paid Search
Paid search is a great way to get new customers for your business. It’s an effective tool for driving traffic to your website and increasing conversions. Paid search advertising is fast-paced and dynamic. That means there’s always something new to learn regarding your campaigns and how they’re performing. Programmatic advertising can help make sure your paid search ads are more…
Read on5 Best Ways to Increase Your Social Media Engagement
Conventional wisdom says that social media engagement is all about posting content and getting likes, but it’s so much more than that. If you want to get the most out of your social media efforts, you need to take a more holistic approach. Here are five ways to increase your engagement with your audience: What is Engagement? Before we get…
Read onSocial Media Marketing: What it is and How to Build your Strategy
Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing that involves using social networks to market products and services. It’s one of the most affordable and accessible ways to reach potential customers. Social media has been proven to be effective again and again for companies when used correctly, so it’s no surprise that many rely on it as their primary…
Read on5 Ways High-Quality Content & PPC Compliment Each Other
Introduction The internet is a big place. And there’s no shortage of competition out there. So, if you want to stand out, you need to be doing something different. One way to do that is through high-quality content and paid search advertising (PPC). When used together properly, these two marketing tactics can help your business gain visibility and drive leads.…
Read onDoes NAP information & User Experience Affect SEO?
Introduction “What is NAP?” This is one of the most common questions we get asked as SEO experts. NAP simply stands for name, address, and phone number. When it comes to local SEO, NAP data can be a big deal—and if you’re not using it correctly on your website, then you might be missing out on new clients or even…
Read onWhy Link Building Is Still Important for SEO in 2022
Introduction Link building is a cornerstone of any SEO campaign. It’s the process of acquiring links from other websites, which helps boost your site’s SEO rankings in Google and other search engines. Links are still one of the most important ranking factors for search engines in 2022—they can help you rank higher in SERPs (search engine results pages) and drive…
Read onThe Social Media Trends to Adapt for 2023
Introduction Social media is a useful tool for many businesses, but to be effective, you need to keep up with the latest trends. We know that social media moves fast, which means you’ve got to be faster! Here are some of the most important social media trends that you should be using in 2023: Social Shopping Social shopping is when…
Read onThe Value of Purchasing .au Domains
Introduction If you’re an Australian business, you may be aware that the new domain “.au” became available to companies in March of this year. However, from October, anyone can purchase .au domains, regardless of citizenship or residency in Australia. Although this update from the domain space might sound like a good one (and it is), it also comes along with…
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