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Tracking the Most Important Metrics in Google Analytics

July 18, 2018

The goal of your website is to build a solid and loyal customer base. To do this, you have to be able to track certain analytic metrics from Google. These will help you quickly and easily identify any problems and track how well your website converts new customers. There are dozens of analytic metrics to choose from. We’ve rounded up…

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2018’s Five Hottest Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) Tools

June 18, 2018

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is a vital tool every marketer wants to have on hand.  For those that don’t know, CRO is the process of increasing traffic to your website and converting them in some way. This can include downloading a specific PDF file, reaching a certain URL, or trial sign-ups. There are several tools you can use to accomplish…

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How Parents Perceive the use of Modern Technology

May 14, 2018

The exponential progression of technology over the past 20 years has changed the way we work and live. Tech devices are more often than not viewed in a positive light, as they simply make our lives easier. But is the amount of time we spend on these devices having an effect on other aspects of our lives? Real Insurance has…

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Three Top Tips for Increasing Your Local SEO Visibility

May 14, 2018

Local SEO is fiercely competitive but there are a few ways you can increase your business’s visibility on the local level with Google searches. This can drive more traffic to your site and result in more sales and brand recognition to boost your business year-round. 1. Put an Emphasis on User-Generated Reviews Peer-to-peer reviews are a powerful tool to have…

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Mobile-First Indexing is Here

May 7, 2018

Google announced at the end of March 2018 that they would begin migrating sites that follow the best practices for mobile-first indexing. A month later SEOs and webmaster are now starting to receive notifications via the Google Search Console that their sites are being enabled for mobile-first indexing. So Why Has Google Decided to Change the Way Websites are Indexed?…

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Changes to Analytics Data Retention

April 17, 2018

A lot of us have been receiving emails from Google, specifically relating to changes to data retention in Analytics. They have made these changes to deal with new data protection laws required by the GDPR. The laws apply to the European Economic Area (EEA), however the notice does recommend action if you reside outside of the EU. “Today we introduced…

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Four Important SEO Trends for 2018

April 5, 2018

We’re well into 2018 and SEO is more important than ever. As website owners continue to compete for Google’s top spots, trends will become more prominent. The key to staying ahead of your competition is staying ahead of the latest trends, and we have the four most important ones below. 1. Voice Search Will Increase As more people use their…

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4 Tips For Optimising Your Local Business Profiles

April 3, 2018

The proliferation of Australian local business directory sites is undeniable, and their role in local SEO is quite important. There are many local business portals that allow you to add a listing for your own or a client’s business. You are provided with a location based listing with a link back to your website. Score! But there is a problem.…

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Boost Your Conversion Rates: Tips for Conversion Rate Optimisation

March 23, 2018

Ideally, your website gives your business conversion so you can make a profit. However, this doesn’t always happen and you don’t understand why. Even if you spend hours creating an excellent website that does give you traffic, it may not lead to any conversions. Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this. Many website owners don’t understand conversion rate optimisation or…

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Client Testimonials

Telstra Media Group

Telstra Media Group

AMIRE has been providing Telstra Media with SEO Services since the beginning of October 2013 and whilst still relatively new they have provided exceptional service and insight for the business thus far.

Telstra Media replaced our previous SEO agency (whom we had worked with for over 6 years) with AMIRE, which I believe is a clear indication of their SEO expertise and experience. Telstra Media is looking forward to a strong relationship with AMIRE and have no hesitation in recommending them to any company considering their services.

Grant Hilton | Search Producer
Digital Media and Content Services
Telstra Media Group



I have known Sean and Amye from the days when ‘search’ was in its infancy in Australia. At the time my team and I were intent on establishing the online business for AAMI. We recognised early on how important search would be to help position AAMI on customer shopping lists for their insurance needs and as a cost effective marketing tool. Seam and Amye continue to impress me with the depth and breadth of knowledge they have with the search industry.  Their technical knowledge is extensive and that helps remove the guesswork and makes decisions easier and more precise.

They listened and understood the AAMI business and what the key business drivers were. This helped us design and develop websites that balanced optimal search requirements with user experience and customer centric design.

It was principally through Sean and Amye’s knowledge and results driven attitude that positioned AAMI in a prominent position for all of AAMI’s key terms, a position it has held for many years.

David Jones
Former E-Business Manager

Suncorp Group

Suncorp Group

Amye consulted on Suncorp Commercial Insurance for a number of years in optimising our business for search. In that period, Suncorp’s dominance in search helped the business receive an unprecedented number of lead opportunities, driving further investment and support of the online channel.

Amye’s professionalism and attention to detail served us well. Amye was always free and willing to assist with any queries we had about the complexities of SEO as well as providing us with up-to-the-minute news on trends and changes in search. We were always well prepared to stay ahead of the game.

Darren Abood
Senior Leader – Websites
Digital Distribution | Commercial Insurance
Suncorp Group

General Pants

General Pants

As our consulting SEO Director, Amye showed an unwavering dedication to delivering the best search results within a sometimes challenging technical infrastructure. Her depth of knowledge and awareness of industry advances were exemplary, and always considered within the context of our search brief.

Amye’s friendly and relaxed professional approach ensures team members of every level have a good understanding of search objectives; this ultimately creates both a commercially successful and enjoyable partnership.

Michael Laxton
Head of Online & CRM
General Pants

Virgin Money

Virgin Money

During my spell at Virgin Money Australia, Sean was the SEO expert from 24/7 Real Media, and proved to be deeply knowledgeable and of great service. I would recommend Sean as an SEO specialist for being extremely approachable, cheerful, professional and provided invaluable advice on improving the company site in natural search, combined with other paid search activity.

Peter Davis
Web Experience Manager
Virgin Money



The principals of Amire, Sean and Amye are well known within the search optimisation industry. I have worked directly with them for several years and they have always followed ethical practices in delivering great results. The quality of their work and trust worthiness is first rate. I always felt like my business was important and the best people were working on my account.

Dale Cohen
General Manager
BigPond Network |  Telstra Digital Media & IPTV – Pay TV

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